November 4, 2010

My non-existant child stepped on a crack

We've been in the new house for a week exactly now. The first full night in the house I broke in the kitchen by making Mini Irish Carbomb Cupcakes and Garlic Deviled Eggs (Vampire Repellent) for my companies Halloween luncheon. Things went very smoothly despite my exhaustion. I love making these cupcakes, not just because of how damn good they are, but because of how amazing everyone's reactions to them make me feel. The look of delightful surprise when they taste the kick of whiskey, and the groan of pleasure for the amazing Irish Buttercream frosting. Mmmm. I'm drooling already. I actually had 2 for breakfast before I put them out for everyone else. Yum yum yum.

Saturday morning before the cable guy came, I threw my back out helping Jay move the TV's. I was in bed all Saturday, all Sunday and all Monday. Monday I went to the doctor and got some good drugs. I'm up and about now, but I still have this ache that's just killing me. No bueno. There was so much I wanted to get done on the house this weekend, and about 5% of it happened. I'm looking forward to being completely mobile again so I can finish unpacking and get back to life.

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